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Music, words and science: a festival for Proximity Care, the project that involves the world of research, citizens and institutions to build the health of the future in the inland areas of the territory of Lucca. The dates and how to attend the shows

How to book to confirm participation. Many languages come together to give life to the show that recounts the challenge of ‘Living well here!’
Publication date: 16.09.2024
Proxy Fest
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A festival to tell, involve, and inform the citizens of the advantages and opportunities offered by the Proximity Care research project with the objective of improving health, well-being, and quality of life in inland areas, enhancing alliances between social and health services, municipalities, schools, the third sector, and the world of research. This is how Proximity Fest, the show that makes its debut on Friday 20 September at the theatre in Bagni di Lucca, recounts in many languages - those of science, song, dance, music, and acting - an ambitious research project such as Proximity Care, proposed by the Sant'Anna School of Pisa, with the support of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, in collaboration with theAzienda USL Toscana Nord Ovest, the municipalities of Garfagnana, Media Valle and Alta Versilia, the Region of Tuscany, and the Fondazione Monasterio.

Proximity Care arrives in the theatres of the Serchio Valley andUpper Versilia with Proxy Fest, a travelling show to unite art and science, united by the ‘passion’ for ‘Staying well here!’, as the project's slogan underlines. In each show, space will be given to dialogue and confrontation between the research team and the audience, to contribute to the shared construction of the health of the future.

After its debut on Friday 20 September in Bagni di Lucca, the Proxy Fest continues in the theatres of Coreglia (Saturday 21 September), Barga (Saturday 22 September), Piazza al Serchio (Saturday 28 September) Seravezza (Friday 4 October) and concludes on Saturday 5 October in Castelnuovo di Garfagnana. All the shows start at 8.30 p.m., with free admission, subject to booking at the following e-mail address:

The leading players in the Proximity Fest are the following schools and associations. Scuola Armonia del Movimento; ASD Dance Academy Silvia Deiana; Dance and Music Arts Centre and Theatre; Centro studio danza & artist; ASD Arte in Movimento; Castelnuovo Garfagnana Civic School of Music; Associazione ‘Il Circo e La Luna’; Jam Academy; Associazione Archibaleno; Associazione di volontariato ‘Vengo anch'io - Astrolabio Lucca ETS’ with T come teatro; Scuola movement in dancing; Palestra Judo Club Fornaci. Collaborating in the organisation of the Festival are the Istituti Superiori ‘Servizi per l'enogastronomia e l'ospitalità alberghiera’ ISI Barga (Lucca) and ISI Marconi di Seravezza (Lucca).

‘The health and wellbeing of an area,’ emphasised Sabina Nuti, Rector of the Sant'Anna School in presenting Proxy Fest, ’depend to a large extent on the ability of the population to team up to deploy all their energies, skills, and structures to prevent disease through correct lifestyles and preventive diagnostic and treatment services. The Proximity Care project represents a joint challenge for our university and for the territory of the internal areas of the province of Lucca, to identify innovative methods and tools in a joint manner. In fact, when people are involved, with their energy they can achieve great results, just as happens in Proximity Care'.

‘When we thought of a research project dedicated to inland areas,' Marcello Bertocchini, president of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, comments, ’the priority was undoubtedly that of finding concrete and applicable solutions in the identified contexts, but not secondary was also the expectation of seizing anopportunity: to give life to a work of sharing and raising awareness on current and urgent issues in the socio-sanitary sphere. A work that took concrete form in effective actions of continuous confrontation with the people who live the daily life of the Serchio Valley and Upper Versilia, and that finds in this theatrical tour a further and original channel of dissemination.’